No, not Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I’ve got the Post-Ironman blues. I’ve been keeping this pretty much to myself, but IronHolly’s
post has made me feel a little less embarrassed, so I thought I would pay that favor forward and share what I’m going though.
Week 1 was pretty exciting still. I was sore, tired and hungry, but I had the joy of all of the wonderful messages and calls [and flowers...thanks, Mom] pouring in. I returned to work that Thursday (with my medal, of course) and eagerly anticipated the weekend plan of doing nothing and/or whatever the heck I wanted.
Well, the weekend didn’t turn out how I planned. I wound up overcommitted with team events and errands. By the end of the weekend I was in a serious funk and was really sad.
I admit that I thought I was immune to this post-race depression thing. I’ve done 6 marathons and countless other races and frankly, didn’t understand why people would get depressed after a race unless something went wrong.
I've always subscribed to the theory that I choose to be happy. That hasn't changed.
I also didn’t think I’d have a problem since before I signed up for Ironman, I had signed up for the Goofy Challenge in January 2010. I figured the goal of racing a half marathon followed by a full marathon the next day – at Disney, no less – would keep me motivated and focused during the two months following Ironman.
But…..I don’t know.
I have stayed active. I began getting back into light workouts just 4 days after IM. Thanksgiving day I even raced a turkey trot (5k) and did really well (sub 28-minutes on a hilly course) despite going in with no plan and no goals.
Yeah, I am taking it easy with the workouts (read: working out just once/day – haha). [No, I have not been near a pool since the week of IM.]
This past weekend I did my Galloway-recommended 8-mile walk on Saturday and 23-mile run on Sunday. It all went perfectly.
But I’m still blah. And it feels like the training ate up my entire weekend. Boo :(
Apparently, the “goofy” goal isn’t enough for me. I need something. Something to look forward to. Something to work and/or plan for.
So, I got the crazy idea of taking a vacation that didn’t involve a race, training event, or work event. Ooooh.
Not to shift blame, but to make a long story short, the Knight’s schedule is NOT cooperating. At all. Grrrrr. I feel downright thwarted. I could go alone, or with friends… Anyone want to go away with me?
So I tried to focus on making a vacation out of the Disney trip but at this point I am not sure if I feel like racing -- or training for that matter.
Thus, add to everything else the stress of a) not knowing whether I want to race Disney; b) not having travel arrangements less than 6 weeks from the race (verrry stressful for this type-A girl); c) feeling completely powerless to make any decisions or arrangements given my indecision and the Knight's demanding work schedule.
I did a little googling and the consensus is to be that you need to give yourself time to recover. It also seems that taking on a new, non-tri related project or goal is recommended.
what now?
I’ve always had goals. Whether it was to get through school, pass the bar, get a clerkship, get a job, run a marathon, do 8 pullups, find a house, plan a vacation... I always have something to work on.
Right now, I am kind of lost.
My body is telling me to “stop the insanity!!” My recovery from Sunday’s 23-miler was seriously tough. The next day I hurt everywhere and was sooooo tired. I could barely walk because everything hurt. I am better now but I am still not inclined to continue pushing myself like this.
I mean, I am keeping busy with work, moderate workouts, and occasional social activities, but to be honest I am just not happy. :(
I keep reminding myself of how fortunate I am. I am healthy, I have a good job, I have wonderful friends.You know...
I’m enjoying not waking up at the crack of dawn for workouts. I am enjoying the flexibility to stay up later and meet friends for lunch or dinner. But I need more.
And I need to relax and maybe even pamper myself. But I can’t seem to do that when there are meals to prepare, a litter box to clean, and a closet to reorganize.
Okay, I’m done whining for now. I am off to continue working on being happy. Tonight I’m going to some of the wonderful free holiday concerts in DC tonight.