Saturday, August 22, 2009

16 miles. Check.

It is raining outside.

I have a long to do list for today.

So what am I doing?

Sitting here blogging, of course. :)

Just wanted to report on this morning’s workout. A 16-miler was on the schedule.

I distinctly remember the feeling I had in 2006 before I ran 16 miles for the first time. It was a combination of fear and anxiety, mixed with a little bit of excitement.

After 3 seasons of marathon training, I am shocked to say that leading up to today’s run I was pretty relaxed and looking forward to it. There was just a touch of uneasiness – which mostly had to do with the uncertainly of the weather and the question of whether I’d be running with others or by myself.

At 8 am I met my teammates at the Vienna Caboose (a rail car on the W&OD trail). I know I've mentioned before how much I love this team. And when I arrived this morning I was excited to see everyone. It is like showing up at to a party with all of your friends.

The only problem is, to continue the party analogy, is that it is like everyone wants to dance to different music.

In the case of the group runs, people are on all different training plans based on their goal races, and then within each of the 16 plans (and then some because some folks are training for marathons or other races for which they have custom plans) there are just as many pace groups.

Sometimes it is a little tricky to find the right running partners. Hence sometimes I wind up running alone. No biggie. I’ve learned to bring my iPod shuffle just in case. [Hey non-music-listening runners, don’t judge. We all put one foot in front of the other…:) Hahaha.]

For whatever reason the gathering of pace groups works better when Coach Ed is there. But he is away today so there was chaos. Sorry run leaders, but it is true.

Fortunately it all worked out. For the first four miles I ran with Janet and Kat. For the next mile I ran with Kat (since Janet turned around planning to do out-and-backs). I ran the next 2 miles solo, and then I caught up with Marie. Then we caught up with Chris. Chris, Marie and I ran the last 8 miles together. It was so fun! Time just goes by so much more quickly when you’re talking.

Granted, I may have been talking more than either of them. Ha! But we had a great run.

Sixteen miles DONE! In the bag. Zone 2 (almost the whole way!). Nice and steady. The current Galloway method plan I'm following is run 1 mile, walk 1 minute. Really it is run .94 miles and walk one minute since I walk at every mile mark according to the Garmin.

(Speaking of the Garmin, it needs a name. Suggestions are welcome. Post in the comments. I will come up with a worthwhile prize for the winner. Maybe I’ll cook something.)

Afterwards it just got better. I declined offers to join some teammates at the Vienna Inn for breakfast. My stomach and my schedule just weren’t on board with that idea.

Instead I visited the farmers market that was right at the starting/ending point of our run. How awesome is that? Just yesterday I was lamenting that there would be no summer produce fix for me this weekend because of the training schedule. So it was a huge bonus when I arrived and found that there was a market RIGHT THERE And they even had plenty of good looking stuff left when I got there around 11 am. Score!

And you know what else? I think their prices are better than Arlington. I haven’t tasted the fruit yet, but so far I’m happy.

I said it got better, didn’t I? Well, it wasn’t just the farmers market. Right there in Vienna is my favorite local pizza spot (Church Street Pizza). I grabbed a slice for the road. It has protein, carbs and fat, right? And hey, I just burned 1500+ calories. I needed it.

So far, a very good day. I feel really good except for some newly developed plantar faciatis which I intend to nip in the bud.

Now can someone please deliver some groceries? Or dinner? I’m tired. And hungry.


  1. nice work, chaos or not, 16 miles still gives me the willies!

    How do you like the 1 mile run/1 min walk plan? Do you think that 1 min walk helps? I think i need to try something like that for my next oly, instead of walk 25 minutes/run 1! ha.

    I'm not big on naming things...but maybe you should stick with the sesame st theme, cuz you got miss piggy already...?

    ugh, PF. let's hope that clears up soon!

  2. nice job on the run! I never race with music but if I'm doing a long run alone the ipod totally pulls me through!! Let's see, I call my Garmin "Coach", but how about Gonzo (since I see you have a sesmae street theme going on)

  3. Keep commenting, people! Although Miss Piggy is a Jim Henson character, I think of her as a Muppets character...not Sesame Street. I think Kermit was the only one who crossed over. Am I wrong?


  4. I think the garmin should be El Maestro (the master).
